Learning Log

Feb. 15, 2024: I'm back! I have so much to review. Instead of redoing HtDP 2e, I'll be following Systematic Program Design in edX. I need to remember how to use Git...

Sep. 8, 2023: I miss coding. I'll learn my new job as fast as possible so I can code more.

Sep. 4, 2023: Almost done with HtDP 2e. I have to slow down for now since I need to focus on my new job.

May 13, 2023: I forgot to update here and it's been a month since my last entry. My attention got diverted, and I ended up studying the KnR book. There's too much to learn and I keep getting sidetracked. I need to follow some sort of structure, so I've decided to combine teachyourselfcs and OSSU. I'll update again after I finish How to Design Programs (2nd edition).

Apr. 13, 2023: I think I know enough about Python to understand the code in "The Recursive Book of Recursion" by Al Sweigart. Python is a lot of fun and I'll definitely do some projects with it in the future.

Apr. 5, 2023: Because I couldn't fully grasp recursion, I decided to read the wizard book. I came across this example about counting changes that I just could not understand, so now I'm reading The Recursive Book of Recursion by Al Sweigart. BUT that requires some Python knowledge, so actually, I'm reading Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes first. I gotta say, this chaotic approach to learning is more fun than I imagined. To somehow keep track of stuff, I made a LIFO list, kinda like a stack. I'll pop Python off the stack after I've learned enough to fully understand The Recursive Book of Recursion.

Mar. 30, 2023: I've resumed CS50 after checking out stuff about web development. Been at it for a couple of weeks, and I'm currently doing Week 5 stuff. I really need to get my head around data structures and algorithms. Hopefully, A Common-sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms (2nd Edition) by Jay Wengrow can help me pull through. Also looking at Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas Cormen.

Mar. 9, 2023: I've gone down several rabbit holes! Fortunately, they were pretty useful rabbit holes. So far, I've learned about Neovim configuration using Lua(that's another language in the To Learn List), i3w (OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING), and a little bit more about Linux.

Mar. 4, 2023: I've been doing it all wrong! Apparently, I shouldn't have relied too much on divs. Time to replace most of these with the proper elements.

Mar. 1, 2023: I've reached the Etch-a-Sketch activitiy in the Odin Project and realized that I need to polish my knowledge about HTML and CSS. To MDN Webdocs I go! Also, I've started to mess around with Neovim.

Feb. 27, 2023: Spent a couple days stuck on callbacks and DOM manipulation, but I think I might have it now.

Feb. 23, 2023: Behavior Driven Development, DOM, and Objects. My head's spinning...

Feb. 20, 2023: Made my first script for Rock, Paper, Scissors. Playable through prompt and the console. I can actually make something happen using JavaScript now. Progress! 🌟

Feb. 18, 2023: I'm mainly following The Odin Project and supplementing that with MDN Web Docs, and The Modern JavaScript Tutorial.

Nov. 2022 - Feb. 2023: Began CS50, discovered Embedded Systems, dabbled a bit in introductory stuff about Electronics. Decided to learn about Web Development so I can make my own website to document my learning journey and projects.